Office of Technology Licensing (OTL)
If you are seeking to send your data to another party, the Office of Technology Licensing (OTL) can assist you in putting together a data use agreement (DUA) to send the data. In order to ensure that the transfer of outgoing data from UC Berkeley meets University policies and safeguards you, your lab, your future rights, and the requirements of funding agencies, a DUA must be entered before sending the data. A DUA is similar to a confidentiality agreement in that it places restrictions on how the other party can use and disclosure your non-public data. DUAs address important issues such as the recipient’s limitations on the use of the data, obligations to safeguard the data, liability for harm arising from the use of the data, publication rights and restrictions, and privacy rights.
> Fill out an Outgoing Data Request Online
Open Data Commons
Please contact the Office of Technology Licensing to discuss your data and advise on dissemination and licensing.