

Upcoming Research Data Events

Research and Data Security

Register to attend with your UC Berkeley email

Date and Time: Thursday, April 25, 2024, noon-1pm PST Location: Virtual

Guest Speakers:

Kairi Williams and Brian Warshawsky

Undue foreign government influence and research security have become hot topics in recent years, and data is no exception. Come learn about best practices for research and data security in your lab. Bring your questions for a vital Q&A.


About Us

This research data portal points researchers, research staff, and support personnel to the campus offices and resources that can help. Short pieces of guidance offer expertise on topics of data security and data management, and links to detailed information steer researchers and staff alike to data, technologies, tools, and services that can make the research effort a success.

Contributing Organizations


D-Lab helps Berkeley faculty, staff, and graduate students move forward with world-class research...

Data Privacy

Privacy Office

The UC Berkeley Privacy Office assists the UC Berkeley community in maintaining its commitment to protecting the privacy rights of students, faculty, staff and members of the public. The Privacy Office can provide support and consulting services to UC Berkeley researchers as they engage in research projects involving personal or identifiable data, to ensure that project protocols and related contracts comply with campus privacy policies as well as state,...

Information and Data Security

Research IT

Research IT provides front line support for researchers working with sensitive data. We also coordinate with the Information Security Office, IPIRA, and others to assess and plan for managing highly sensitive data. Contact Research IT consultants ( to connect with our network of...

I need training related to data management and/or data security

Please contact the Research Data Management Program ( for assistance with data management and/or security training.

Data Consulting Resources


D-Lab helps Berkeley faculty, staff, and students move forward with world-class research in data intensive social science and humanities. We do this by offering workshops, consultations, professional development and other training services. Our workshops aim to help users needing short trainings around programming tools (R, Python, Stata), software tools (Excel, Tableau, MaxQDA, Qualtrics), methods and techniques (qualitative and quantitative methods, spatial analysis, data visualization, social network analysis,...